Organised by the University of Bordeaux (Observatoire de la délinquance et de la justice d’affaires (IRDAP- ISCJ))
Éric Dezeuze and Yves Rutschmann spoke at the #conference “Application of the French Anti-Tax fraud law: a review of the first five years of application and going forward” hosted by the University of Bordeaux (Observatoire de la délinquance et de la justice d’affaires (IRDAP- ISCJ)).
Yves Rutschmann took part in the roundtable discussion “Tax controversies referred to the criminal justice system: automatic referral of the file to the French public prosecutor and criminal complaints ” alongside Florence Deboissy, moderator, Gilles Auzero, Stéphane Créange, Marc El Nouchi, Frédérique Porterie, and Patrice Vespuce.
Éric Dezeuze took part in the roundtable discussion on “Negotiation mechanisms under French tax and criminal law: global settlements, CJIP and CRPC (French DPAs and guilty pleas)” alongside Sarah-Marie Cabon, moderator, Philippe-Emmanuel de Beer, Bénédicte de Perthuis, and Sébastien de la Touanne. More